Best Price with Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds - Best Deal with Gardening Soils

Hot Gardening Soils, A brief summary product description of Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds. If interested, read it below.

Gardening Soils Product Description : Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds

Best Gardening Soils, We would like to introduce you with Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds.

Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust is a natural mineral product produced by thousands of years of glacial action.

A wide variety of rocks containing a spectrum of trace minerals are collected and pulverized by the expansion/contraction action of the glacier.

From Canadian moraines, this product replaces key soil elements, reversing soil depletion.

Excellent source of readily available calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium plus trace elements and micronutrients.

Increases phosphorous uptake.

Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust is a natural mineral product, which is produced over many thousands of years by glacial action.

As the glacier recedes, it leaves behind deposits of "glacial moraine".

A wide variety of rocks containing a spectrum of trace materials are collected and pulverized by the expansion/contraction of the glaciers.

These deposits are mined, dried, and screened for agricultural and horticultural re-mineralization.

Glacial Rock Dust can replace key elements that have been used by soil microbes to create healthy soil.

Glacial rock dust lets the soil re-create the colloids (minerals and humus) which are needed to improve soil structure, moisture holdings properties, nutrient availability and bacterial action.

This product replaces key soil elements, reversing soil depletion.

An excellent source of readily available calcium, iron, and magnesium plus trace elements and micronutrients.
When the correct balance is achieved, organic mater is turned into humus and the soil becomes a favorable environment for a host of beneficial molds, fungi, bacteria and earthworms.

When this happens, the living soil becomes a buffer to the many variables gardeners must contend with.
Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust can increase phosphorous availability.

It can also increase moisture-holding properties in soil, improve cation exchange capacity, and improve soil structure and drainage.

You cannot over apply glacial rock dust as it will not burn!

Gardening Soils Product Feature : Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds

  • Adds vital elements & essential minerals to depleted soils.
  • Helps to make insoluble phosphorus soluble.
  • All-natural organic fertilizer and organic amendment.
  • Boosts Brix levels and improves crop yields.
  • Over 70 trace minerals makes it the re-mineralizing king.

  • Best Price with Gardening Soils

    Overall summary : Gardening Soils

    " Thanks very " anyone who has visiting our site and your interest in Gardening Soils. For more detail , feature, customer reviews, similars products and all of Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds, Click on the top of image above to go to site Amazon [dot] com .

    Do not wait too long for good chance !! - Best Deal !! Gardening Soils : Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust 20 Pounds



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